Hello Ladies,
I know. It's been a lonnnnng time since I've blogged. As many of you know, there's been a lot of transition going on with me and my family these past few months (and things are getting better and better, I might add!).
However, I miss having that stimulating dialogue with my kingdom-minded sisters, so I just had to jump back into blogging with a thought to kind of wrap up this most transitional year of years (i.e. Obama!) 2008.
As you consider all the experiences you've had this past year, I'd like to ask you to do what most of us dread - clean up your closets! God most assuredly wants to bless you with some "new things" in 2009, but will there be room in your life for them when they show up? Like all big jobs, this one is best tackled with a plan of action. So get three "baskets" in the forefront of your mind before you get started.
Revise Basket
This is where you can put those things that really do serve a purpose in your life, but could work better with some tweaking. Maybe you and your spouse have a good relationship, but you need to make more quality time for each other. Perhaps your spiritual walk has improved, but you could start a habit of saying a daily faith confession. Whatever it is, just know you don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water. Be patient and take small steps. Remember, big ships are steered by little rudders!
Revolt Basket
Let's face it - there are some things that we need to launch a revolution about in our lives. If you've been holding out, waiting on something or someone to change, and you fear making the wrong move, it's time to get off the fence of indecision and take a stand! I love this quote I recently read by T. D. Jakes:
"You are who you have been waiting for. No one else is coming."
This is the time to draw that line in the sand. Reclaim your vim, your verve, your swagga, if you will, in the Spirit of God. If you have received Jesus Christ in your heart, you also have His authority. You don't have to take anything God Himself did not hand to you.
So be compassionate, but don't take on other peoples' baggage. Be helpful, but stop enabling those who drain you. Be watchful, but don't allow stress and worry to consume you, especially over things you can't control anyway.
Retreat Basket
The buck stops here. Anything or anyone not connected to you for a God reason (notice I didn't say "good reason") cannot help you reach your destination. If you are in this race to win, don't waste time trying to convince someone who doesn't "get you" of who you are. Know for yourself what God has called you to do, what season you are in, and who you are to be in covenant with. Retreat from the restraints of your past and run full speed ahead into your bright, successful future!
Wow! That was fun! I'm starting to love this blogging thing, aren't you?
Let me know your thoughts and your progress reports as you "clean house" in preparation for 2009!
1 comment:
T.D., at first I thought you meant clean out my clothes closet which I totally need to do but as I read on I was moved. God always gets His message to me one way or another and it never ceases to amaze me! Keep allowing God to use you, you are appreciated!!
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