Hey there all!
I know.... Once again it's taken me a "minute" to post something new. But bear with me and please extend me your supportive grace. I'm still transitioning into the information age you know. However, I do promise to keeping sending encouraging and motivational highlights to you, and you'll be happy to know that my blog will now be updated bi-weekly, starting TODAY!
And now - for today's topic...
Have you ever heard the phrase "It depends on your frame of mind"? I was recently pondering this and had an a-ha! moment. How exactly do we "frame" our minds?
Consider the purpose of a frame. The frame we use for pictures protects the photo inside, while also providing directing attention to what's actually in the photo. Hmmmm...
The frame of house is the very thing that keeps it standing, no matter what's happening on the outside. Hmmmmm...
See where I'm going with this? Well, it stands to reason that there are two important factors involved in this thing called "framing": focus and foundation. So what frames our minds? Those things we're focusing on, which are ultimately derived from our foundational thoughts. Check out this example:
Foundational Thought
"I don't think I'll ever get out of all this debt!"
Overdue bills, calls from bill collectors
Frame Produced
Worry, Doubt, Fear, Depression
Now let's flip it-
Foundational Thought
"My debt is huge, but my God is greater. He will provide for all of my needs and make my name great!"
God's promises, present blessings, new opportunities
Frame Produced
Joy, Hope, Encouragement, Peace
See how that works?
The Word of God should be the foundation of EVERY believer (see Luke 4:4). But let's be honest. Many of us haven't exactly made "hiding the Word" in our hearts a daily practice - and as a result, we easily allow our minds to be influenced on things that are depleting instead of completing. It's not just about committing words to memory, but it's about keeping those words alive and active in our thought bank. It's about making it a point to meditate on them and say them out loud to eventually override our struggling belief system. Once that happens - and it can - we will focus more on what we BELIEVE (what God says) and less on what we FEEL and SEE. That's the point at which the power of God really manifests itself to us.
Remember, God generates love toward us. In response to His love, we generate faith in Him. Faith generates hope on the inside of our hearts. Our hearts represent the seedbed of our mind, will, and emotions. Once our hearts are filled with hope, it spills over into our words. "Out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks." - Luk. 6:45 ESV
Ready for the challenge? Come on! It'll be worth it.
I invite you (along with me) to venture into the practice of Custom Framing your mind for the next couple of weeks. And to get us kicked off, here's some wise counsel from the Apostle Paul:
Philippians 4:8 (The Message)
8-9Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.
See ya in two weeks (I promise)!
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