Proverbs 18:6-7 NIV
6 A fool's lips bring him strife,
and his mouth invites a beating.
7 A fool's mouth is his undoing,
and his lips are a snare to his soul.
Has your heart been tempted to fear lately? Mine has. Seems almost everywhere you turn, there’s a bad report; whether it be about money, health, or relationships. I’m not really one to do a whole lot of news-watching, except to stay updated on what’s happening in the world. But I must confess, since the recent unexpected deaths of Michael Jackson and Steve McNair, I’ve been visiting web pages and watching news expose’s that wouldn’t normally be of interest to me. And still, there’s no resolution that brings any real answers, just a lot of confusion and sadness. Even some of the conversations I’ve been in with other people (some of them, fellow believers) has been tainted with talk of the tightness of funds and the uncertainty of the economy. It’s amazing how easy it is to slide into that line of thinking when you’re overexposed to it.
Has your heart been tempted to fear lately? Mine has. Seems almost everywhere you turn, there’s a bad report; whether it be about money, health, or relationships. I’m not really one to do a whole lot of news-watching, except to stay updated on what’s happening in the world. But I must confess, since the recent unexpected deaths of Michael Jackson and Steve McNair, I’ve been visiting web pages and watching news expose’s that wouldn’t normally be of interest to me. And still, there’s no resolution that brings any real answers, just a lot of confusion and sadness. Even some of the conversations I’ve been in with other people (some of them, fellow believers) has been tainted with talk of the tightness of funds and the uncertainty of the economy. It’s amazing how easy it is to slide into that line of thinking when you’re overexposed to it.
What kind of toll does this take on our faith? It smothers it. If you know like I do, we can’t afford that. It’s what we live by – “The just shall live by faith” (Gal. 3:11b). I’ve found that when I neglect to stand on what I know to be true of God and His love for me, I start taking my cues from fear’s script. All kinds of faithless thoughts find a place to land in my soul and, if left undisturbed, eventually make their way out of my mouth. Don’t think that you’re safe if you just think doubtful, fearful thoughts but never speak them, because whatever you dwell on long enough will eventually manifest. We are just like God in that we create our world by means of what we speak. So if you don’t want it, don’t speak it. If it’s not what God says, don’t repeat it.
I recently put this into practice with something I’m working to improve on as a wife. Without going into too much detail, I was convicted of how the seed of selfishness was beginning to produce “strange fruit” in my marriage. God was requiring me stretch more outside of my comfort zone and I wasn’t too happy about it. But I wanted to change and wanted to have the benefits of that change come alive in my relationship with my husband. So I asked God to help me and he said to me, “You’ve mastered how to talk yourself out of it, now just do the opposite and talk yourself into it.” I won’t lie, I sighed and rolled my eyes, but I decided that if I really wanted to see change, I was going to have to do it God’s way. A way, might I add that I have seen work in my life before.
So I began to say to myself how much I love my husband and how much he means to me. I began to re-tell myself about all of his good qualities and attributes and how much of a blessing he is to my life. I began to tell myself that I desire to give to him, that he deserved it because God wants to show love to him through me. I told myself how much of an honor it is to have someone to love like that. After I did all of this, I didn’t feel anything. But I knew it was time to take the next step in making those words manifest into the change I needed to make. I acted on those words by faith. That’s right – I chose to ignore my flesh and feel it by faith. And do you know what? I saw change begin to happen; first in my actions, then on the inside. Hallelujah!
Perhaps you’ve been feeling God tug at your heart to change something in your life. It may be how you handle money, your eating habits, or your relationships. But whatever it is, remember you don’t have to fret and worry about things that you can’t change. I challenge you to take courage and change those things that are within your power by flipping the script from fear to faith this week.
*If this blessed you, leave a comment and let me know.