So there I was, sitting in a Freshman Parents' Meeting at my daughter's school in the midst of a no-nonsense group of parents who were barreling questions at the Principal as he cautiously tried to explain the latest standardized test. You see, this year is the first time this newest "bright idea" from our state's legislature will be administered, and our kids are the prized test subjects they'll use to see if it all works out. Pass the hot, steaming cup of frustration and angst.
Now normally I lay low at these things, especially when I know the atmosphere is thick with fatigue, confusion, and a thin layer of anxiety. I don't blame the Principal for stepping lightly through all of that.
That's when I decided to do something to lighten the mood. I became slightly elated at the thought of doing this, but one thing that induced a little fear was the fact the I wasn't amongst friends; at least not known friends. But as the Q & A wore on, the thing that encouraged me to go ahead was that I recognized this as a situation that could use a quick infusion of lighthearted diversion, if for no reason than to bring some comfort to the Principal. That's what I love to do - encourage and comfort. Plus, I asked myself, "Even if you were among your "known" friends, wouldn't this just be natural for you to do anyway? Just be yourself. Who knows? Somebody might just appreciate it."
So I raised my hand to receive the mic for the next question. When I got it, I had a very serious look on my face as I warned the Principal that this was going to be yet another two-fold question. I could see him bracing himself as he waited for it. So I dropped the first one on him.
"Will the Houston Texans beat the Baltimore Ravens this weekend?"
It only took a second for it to register, but the humor of this question quickly set in all around the room (with the exception of a few lemonizers). The Principal even quipped to the counselor who was taking notes to make sure she got that question answered, as it was of vital importance to the education of our children. Nice touch Dr. A.
After the laughter subsided, I was able to actually ask a perfectly relevant question, and wonder of wonders, the Principal promised to forward it to his own boss because of it's validity. All in all, I'd say that this was a successful leap. So I encourage you to be aware of the next opportunity to change the atmosphere around you for the better by breaking the ice. Don't let what others may think of you stop you, because chances are you're underestimating your own appeal. And even if you bomb, you still remained true to who you are.
Now let's pray for those Texans - because that's what's really important. LOL!