Obstacle One: An Untamed Ego
Ego is one of those things that we all have but hate to admit to it. Technically, it's your sense of self-importance. Usually, when you think of ego you think of someone who's a diva or a stuffed-shirt-type. But I've even seen people with low self-esteem battle to be the best at feeling the worst. It can go both ways. So how does that affect your strength? Whenever you become the center of your own attention, it is YOU that has to keep yourself on that pedestal. Ego uses up every bit of energy, even its own, to keep itself alive. It's like being crushed under the pressure of your own weight. The Fix: Humble yourself! Know and understand that you are a "created creator." You didn't get here on your own, and you'll never make it on your own. There is someone greater than you and it's only by Him and his power that you succeed. Remember, the reed that won't bow eventually gets broken.
Obstacle Two: Unchecked Emotions
There's an old song that goes, "Feelings... nothing more than feelings." Feelings are fickle. They change with the direction of the wind, and when you allow yourself to be led by them, you lose focus. Once you lose focus, you lose control. You start making permanent decisions based on temporary emotions and set yourself of for heartbreak every time. This kind of behavior takes up way to much of your strength, and instead of standing on what you believe, you fall for anything. Why? Because you're pulled in too many directions. The Fix: Stop putting your hope and trust in people and things. They don't last. Love people. Use things. Trust God.
Obstacle Three: An Unrenewed Mind
Failure to renew the mind actually gives birth to the first two obstacles. When you don't mature in your thinking, you retard your own growth as an individual. You were made for change. Even your physiological make up testifies to that. When life hands you a challenge, do you have a tendency to rely upon the default settings in our mind rather than learn something new? Not good. What you don't know can hurt you. Ignorance nurtures fear, and fear always paralyzes. That's why you may feel like you're stuck in a rut. You may want to do more with your life, but if your thoughts are always focused on obstacles rather than opportunities, it'll never happen. Why? Because you're getting in your own way. What you think, you will inevitably say, and what you say has great power - good or bad. The Fix: Speak differently and you'll think differently. You've got to focus on the truth rather than the facts. Facts tell you it's cold outside. Truth tells you to put on a coat and walk out anyway.
Overcome these three obstacles and your joy will increase. Increased joy equals increased strength!
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