Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Get A Grip!

Have you ever come across a phrase in the Bible that keeps popping up all the time and you wondered, “What does that really mean?” You know it’s got to be important (hence the frequent appearances) but you don’t quite feel like you “get it”.

Well that’s how I felt about the phrase hold fast. These two words are found together in several scriptures throughout the Bible; mainly the King James Version. Here’s just a few of them:

Job 2:3 “…and still he holdeth fast his integrity…”

Proverbs 4:13 “Take fast hold of instruction; let her not go…”

I Thessalonians 5:21 “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”

Now when I go into “seeking mode” with the Holy Spirit about the true meaning of something, I usually get an answer in one of two ways: revelation or application. This time it was by application.

Our truck had been having some sort of an electrical shortage lately. We’d drive it someplace and it would work just fine. But when we’d get back in to start it up again, it wouldn’t make a sound. We went down a list of possible causes, and my husband concluded that it must be the battery. So he took it to have the battery tested and found out there was no problem with it all. It was still in good shape.

For the next few days afterwards, the truck ran great. But it wasn’t long until the same thing happened again; and again, my husband was led to check the battery. Everything looked fine, that is until he looked a little closer. It turns out that one of the posts that the cable hooks up to had a loose bolt. Now at the time, he didn’t have any tools to tighten it with, so he had to just use his fingers to try to screw it on as best he could. However, that only held for a little while, and then the same problem occurred again. And every time we reconnected the battery cable, we’d have to reset everything again (the alarm, the clock, the radio).

Finally, he got a wrench, and with a few good hard turns, our problem was solved. Apparently the everyday bumps and rattles the truck encountered while on the move were loosening the bolt’s grip little by little until it eventually caused a disruption in power.

That’s when it hit me! That’s the true meaning of the phrase “hold fast”. It means to get a firm grip on something. As a matter of fact, isn’t that what you tell someone when you want them to focus or take something seriously? You say, “Get a grip, will ya!” or “Girl, get a grip on reality!”
Do you find that sometimes you’ve lost your grip in your spiritual walk? I do.

It happens just like it did with that bolt on our truck’s battery. The everyday bumps and rattles of life can sometimes shake me loose from what I know to be true about God and His loving care for me. And if I don’t keep a firm grip of faith on what He’s said, my flesh will start twisting my thoughts in the other direction. The end result (which was the enemy’s goal all along) is to separate me from my power source and stop me from continuing down the path that God has me on. And again, just like with our truck, I have to “reset” my mind on the Truth instead of the facts in order for me to get back to where I need to be in my faith walk. Guess what happens then? My spiritual discernment (alarm) is more sensitive and I don’t get led around by my emotions. I’m better able to sense the season God has me in and I’m not as easily tempted to get move ahead of His timing (clock). I’m able to tune into what the Holy Spirit is saying because God’s Word is settled in my heart (radio).

The key is spiritual maintenance. If we’d be honest, we’d have to admit that most times we’re so focused on the journey that we neglect to maintain our connection (through prayer and hearing God’s heart through His Word). Eventually, that’s what disrupts the manifestation of God’s power in our lives.

So I encourage you today to get (and keep) a grip on the timeless principles of faith that are laid all throughout the Word of God. Get a grip on the reality that God loves you and has nothing but good thoughts toward you that will lead you into His wonderful plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). Then when life shakes things up a bit, you’ll still be well-connected to the power of God that keeps you going.

I think The Message Bible puts it best:
“Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word.”
(Hebrews 10:23)

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