Thursday, February 18, 2016

ME23: 6 Steps to Turn Your Resolutions into Your Revolution (Part 5)

Greetings from The D-Vine!

Wow! I don't know about you, but 2016 has gotten off to a crazy start for me. As I mentioned in my last post, my family and I are working on something and there's a big transition that goes along with it. But I promise, when it's all over, you'll get the exclusive story from yours truly. :)

Now, let's dive in to Part 5 of ME23!

Psalm 23:5 NLT

"You prepare a FEAST for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup OVERFLOWS with blessings."

Principle #5: You Already Have More Than What it Takes to Win

I spent more time pondering this particular verse than any of the first four verses. To me, it personifies what a real personal revolution is all about. If you've already come this far in my blog series, I believe it's because you don't want to just survive, you want to THRIVE! 

There's a lasting result that we're after here, and it should have an exponential impact on how you do life. So in order to help you get the most out of this week's principle, I thought I'd break it down into its three essential points.
  1. When you think of a feast, you probably think of food, right? Well, I think with this verse the psalmist is trying to tell us to think in terms of abundance in the face of lack. In other words, to know that you have more than enough going for you even if your situation says otherwise. The power doesn't lie in the enemy you face. It lies in how you face your enemy. Say you've been turned down for a job you really wanted because you're under qualified. You can look at it as yet another rejection, or you can see it as putting you a step closer to your perfect position.
  2. When is the last time you were honored by someone? I'm not talking about receiving an award or anything. I mean just being truly affirmed and appreciated. That long, huh? LOL! Well here's a golden nugget from this verse that really boosted my confidence. Just as a shepherd pours oil on his sheep's head to keep bugs from irritating or infecting them, God will do the same for you. Facing negativity in any form is not always easy, and the forces behind it can be as annoying as a swarm of gnats. But consider this. To be anointed means to be chosen by "divine election." That means that no matter what comes at you, you've already been "elected" by God as the winner.
  3. You're not waiting for abundance to strike. You already possess it! Jesus said, "Life is not defined by what you have, even when you have a lot." (Luke 12:15 MSG). Remember, PERCEPTION is the name of the game. Here's an awkward but very apt example of this. Kanye West and Donald Trump are two names that are trending high in the media right now because of their outrageous self-promoting antics. While I don't condone their egomaniacal ways, it's hard to miss the fact that because of the way they perceive themselves, they act with great confidence and it's getting them results. Yes, you should be humble, not prideful. But being humble does not mean you should ignore or downplay what you've been given to work with. Flip the script and start perceiving yourself through God's eyes, as more than a conqueror, and overflow will begin to manifest all over your life. 
What's the takeaway?

Your battle is fought and won in your HEAD first, not in your heart. Don't let how you feel distort the truth. To live the abundant life, you must revolutionize your thinking. The less garbage you put in, the less you'll get out. Become much more selective about what you lend your brainpower to. 

Action Step

In a recent interview with Vogue magazine, presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton remarked that while she's great at advocating for other people, she's not so good at doing it for herself. But now she perceives herself differently than she did a few years ago, and she's better able to give a clear voice to what makes her the best person for President.

If you feel you don't have enough, or you simply aren't enough, I want you to take a bold step. Post a comment on the D-Vine blog page stating a quality (not anything material) that you know you have in abundance. If you want to take it a step further, put that same post on your Facebook or Twitter page with the hashtag #IamenoughME23. I'll start the ball rolling.

I am abundantly gifted at being a great listener

The point is to OWN IT. Make it a practice to perceive your abundance in your everyday life. When you do, you'll transform into the woman you were always meant to be - despite any opposition.

Until next time, BE WHO YOU ARE AND LOVE IT!

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