Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Are You Running Away From Home?

Have you heard about a recent study that reports most people feel more stressed at home than at work? I saw a link to this article posted by one of my Facebook friends. Not only did the article's title catch my eye, but there were so many comments from apparent sympathizers, I couldn't help but be intrigued. So of course I had to blog about it.

I don't know about you but, single or married, home has always been my refuge. However, according to the research reported in the article, women, in particular, feel more stressed at home than they do at work. The reasons they state are fairly obvious because they're so common: 1) "It's easier for women to keep home out of work than to keep work out of home," i.e., answering emails, etc. 2) Work is only the first shift of the day for the average working mom. The proverbial "second shift" kicks in when she gets back home to be met with household chores and parenting duties. 3) At work there are "clear actions" and "rewards." At home, not so much. One outcome that struck me as odd was that women without children reportedly had even more stress at home than women with children. Imagine that! Supposedly, even though working moms have to deal with the ever-changing demands of parenting, the warm emotions that are associated with nurturing children tend to off-set the stress of caring for them. I think that's a built-in perk.

So after reading this and considering how many women spoke up on Facebook to affirm their agreement with this article, I felt like doing a self-assessment.

I work from home, so there is no running away to work. When I did work a traditional office job, I still didn't consider it a getaway from the demands of home. More often than not it was the other way around, to be honest. So what makes the difference for me? I would say it's the fact that even when I was single, I purposefully set boundaries between work and home. While I did like getting paid for my labor, I never allowed myself get wrapped up in getting a check. Therefore, I've never felt like I had to compromise my peace for the sake of financial security (whatever that is!). Even now as a married, working mom that same mindset is still in place for both me and my husband. And we give God ALL the credit for that! He's helped us to transform our minds to the point that we focus on what's most important (putting God first in our home, frequently praying together as a couple and as a family, spending quality time with one another) before we focus on the important (paying bills, homework, doing laundry, etc.). We've set an atmosphere at home that we've committed to maintain, and I believe because of this, everything else has fallen into proper perspective. Work is a blessing. Home is a joy. Stress is out the door!

So how about you? Are you running away from home?