Welcome back, D-Viners!
Did you enjoy last week's installment of
ME23? If so, you're going to love this week's foray into Psalm 23:3 because it's all about POWER.
"He renews my STRENGTH. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name."
Psalm 23:3 (NLT)
For further emphasis, I'd like to also use The Message translation of this same verse.
"True to your word, you let me CATCH MY BREATH and send me in the right direction."
Psalm 23:3 (MSG)
Principle #3: The Power is in the Pause
As many of you know, I'm on a journey toward being a healthier, fitter me. As I've been making small changes here and there, I find myself growing a deeper appreciation for the wonder and complexity that is the human body. I'm learning more and more about the many factors that make the body operate at it's fullest potential. One of those factors is rest/sleep.
You've probably been hearing more and more in the media about the importance of getting a good night's sleep, and there's good reason for it.
"A night of uninterrupted sleep(will) leave (our) bodies and minds rejuvenated for the next day. If sleep is cut short, the body doesn’t have time to complete all of the phases needed for muscle repair, memory consolidation and release of hormones regulating growth and appetite. Then we wake up less prepared to concentrate, make decisions, or engage fully in school, (work) and social activities."
~ The National Sleep Foundation
Clearly, rest is not only important, it is crucial to the quality of your life. But I want to talk to about more than rest for your body. Let's talk about rest for your mind/soul.
If you've ever had a sleepless night, chances are it wasn't because of physical pain. It was probably a cluttered mind that kept you tossing and turning.
Worry, anxiety, fear, anger. This is not the crowd you want to hang out with. Think of them as thieves that create restlessness inside of you in order to drain you of your power.
Just as your body cannot regulate, renew, or replenish when you are deprived of rest, the same holds true for your soul. Like The Message translation above so aptly puts it, you need time to catch your breath.When you don't put yourself on pause, you lose much more than you think you do.
Yes. I know there is a tendency in this performance-driven culture we live in to think you must stay in overdrive or else you'll be missing out. And I'm sure somewhere in the back of your mind, you probably know this isn't right. But just like any other bad habit, you've probably been doing it so long, you don't know how to stop.
- You've got great ideas, but you can't stop long enough to implement them
- You've got an issue that needs to be addressed, but you won't take to deal with it
- You don't mean to be insensitive, but you've got so many irons in the fire you've sacrificed even your most cherished relationships
- Your emotions are a wreck, but you're too tired to even pray about them
Any of this sound familiar? Don't feel bad. You can choose to change.
What's the takeaway?
On the streets you'd be told to CHECK YOURSELF BEFORE YOU WRECK YOURSELF.
I'm telling you PAUSE to get your POWER back. And I don't mean power to keep on running at the same old break-neck speed. I'm talking about REAL POWER. Power to get the right perspective. Power to walk your path. Power to live out your purpose. Jesus himself often employed this principle (Luke 5:16) and it served him well. You should too.
But make no mistake. The pause is not just about unloading your baggage. It's more about fueling up for what lies ahead. The good things. The promises that God will fulfill in your life. The energy and enthusiasm you will have once you clear your soul of its clutter. That's the sweet spot.
Action Step
Take a moment right now to do a brain dump.
Write down everything that is weighing you down, pressuring you, worrying you, etc. Read them out loud to yourself. Then take that piece of paper, rip it up, and throw it away. Right after that, pray Psalm 23 out loud to yourself as many times as you need to in order to release those things. Finally, just breathe. Use this pause to allow the natural flow of the Holy Spirit to refresh and renew your spirit.
Check back in with me to share how
ME23 is helping you to turn things around in your life. I want to see a wall of continuous victories in that comment section!
Be sure to tell a friend about this blog series by sharing the link. I'll meet you back here next week.
Stay in it to win it!