Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Stay on the Wall Cont'd....

Sorry. I had to take come of some business before I could finish the last post.

But in conclusion to what I was saying, be like Nehemaiah and the remnant of God's people who helped him rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. The Bible says that "the people had a mind to work" (Neh. 4:6). It's apparent that they had many distractions to contend with themselves, but in the midst of all that, they still kept the focus on their "why". In other words, they didn't lose sight of their purpose for rebuilding.

By working on those holy habits, you too are building something. You are working in cooperation with the Holy Spirit as He helps you to build the character of Christ on the inside. So don't let the idle chatter of others, their opinions, their issues, etc. get you off track.

You can't change them, but you can change yourself (with God's help)!

I suggest that you work on one habit at a time. Don't try to consume the elephant in one bite - just take it easy - one day at a time. Trust me, each victory you gain will encourage to keep going.

Currently, I'm working on rebuilding the habit of MEDITATING on God's Word. Did you know that to "meditate" means "to murmur softly over and over". That really intrigues me because when you think about it, the way we got our current perspective anyway was by repeated exposure to the same words. Words form a pattern of thinking, and thinking affects our attitude and our choices. That's some good stuff right there!

I am realizing again how powerful the spoken Word of God is and how it can transform the way I think. It's causing me to gain more confidence in who I am as a child of God. I believe I'll be like David and encourage myself in the Lord!

How about you? What holy habits are you committed to work on?


anointed2hand said...

To God's elect ladies, the pillars in the Fathers kingdom:

Stop! The Father has heard your continuous cries and has counted every tear you have released. You have stayed before Him like Nehemiah and David. It is time to leave the strongholds and go to Judah(I Samuel 5:22). When you get to praise(Judah) publish what the Lord gives you (Psalms 68:11). Even if all you have is yourself to encourage. Then victory is on the horizon. Wait on it. For it is in the waiting in God's timing the real victory from the inside will burst forth.

Now it is time to blow the trumpet (Ezekiel 33:3). Do not leave your sisters around the world exposed to spiritual attack. Go get them!!

Glory to God, Tracie you are a watchman that knows the real from the counterfeit and is not afraid to sound the alarm.

Destined4Greatness said...

One of the holy habits that I am committed to work on is praying in the spirit. Romans 8:26-28 reads:26Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

I have found a treasure in praying the spirit. The Holy Spirit will intervene on my behalf and pray for people I did not know needed my prayers and cause enemies to be defeated that I am not immediately aware are there. Warfaring on my behalf, healing areas and mending where torn. I appreciate the Gift of the Spirit and I am asking God to help me build more and more on it, because it is truly a priority in my prayer life next to worship and praise.

I want God's will to be done in my life. And because we walk by faith and not by sight, we need God's spirit to intercede for us because He is all-knowing and has the answers we need. I will continue to seek Him as I draw closer and closer to that secret place where He dwells. Who knows? We intercede for one another without being aware. I commit to build on my prayer life to know the heart of God. I pray that you all do too. Pray for me, and I will pray for you. Love. Peace.

anointed2hand said...

Mighty Women of God,

I wanted to inform you of something that could greatly benefit you, your family and those to whom you will have the priviledge of meeting.

Mr. Peter J. Daniels will be at St. Agnes Church, 3730 South Acres Drive on tonight @ 7:00pm. For more information visit the website @ and click on "events". If you want to reach your destiny and your life goals, attend! Harness your power to produce!

I was given the priviledge of attending on Saturday and it was awesome! Mr. Daniels did not hold back anything, talk about being candid. He spoke things such as:

1. He shares some of the truths surrounding his life and how he came to a life of wealth and peace. The legacy he will leave for his grandchildren.

2. The realization of who you are as a child of The King.

3. Why christians a broke? And we need to get up off our assets and do. Help yourself!

4. One thing that stands out with Christians is fear.

5. He talked about the debt of the US economy and as Christians the world is looking to us for rescue.

6. We must change before going forward.

7. When your dream fails reach for another dream. Do not give up, discover your second wind.

8. One of the reasons we fail is due to broken priciples. We must get our spirit right before God. He shared four laws to creating a right spirit. Just to wet your appetite, truth is one. Atttend the meeting for the others.

9. If America ceases to be good then America will cease to be great!

10. Our only security is in Christ!

This is only a "tit" of what he shared. If you know like I know, you had to be there. If you are interested in ressurecting your business or starting one, go see him and get some of his books. We only get out what we put in. What we get we have no right to complain about!

Make the time and get there, it will be worth every minute of your time. This is his last time coming. Go learn some keys to have a successful business and wealthy life ordained by God for free!